Are you ready for a government or private interview? This is one of the most frequently asked questions by prospective employers and interview panels.
To help you prepare, we'll explain 10 popular job interview questions that potential employers often ask. These interview tips are just a general guide and should not be used as a comprehensive script. Instead, the following job interview questions can be used as a guideline for you to think of the best response to get the desired job.
1. Tell us a little about yourself.
This question is a classic question that is usually asked at the beginning of an interview. This is your chance to tell potential employers who you are as a whole and what you can contribute to this job.
Ideally, you should tell for 2-3 minutes about yourself, personal interests if they are relevant to the position applied for and work experience.
Potential employers will consider 3 things:
- Your ability to summarize your life and work experience relevant to the position applied for. Avoid rambling on irrelevant things or too long stories.
- Conversation style, confidence level and your ability to organize and present information.
- A full picture of your true self.
2. Why do you want to work with this company?
The purpose of this question is to find out your motivation for working with the company. Potential employers have a lot of experience so they know if you're not being honest.
First of all, before attending the interview session, make sure you do your research about the company first. Understand the company culture and what they do.
Second, avoid giving answers like "Oh, because this place is the best for work! I like the salary and remuneration package offered,” or “My friends are in this company so it's easier to spend time with them.” This kind of answer is very rude and does not show your skills and experience that can contribute to the company.
Third, show how you can help achieve the company's goals using your skills or experience. Use real examples such as previous work experience.
3. Why do you want to find a new job?
This question seems simple but try to think again. It is very easy for you to give unwanted answers if you are not prepared. Most people look for a new job because they are not satisfied with their current job. Even if it is true, the way you present the answer may have a negative element. So for this question, potential employers actually want to know how you present your answers during the interview session whether you can remain honest and positive.
If you were fired from your last job, try to answer simply and honestly. Don't get emotional and mock your former employer or company. You don't want potential employers to think that you are still not satisfied and can't focus on your next job. It may also show your negative personality that cannot accept reality and often blames others.
If you're leaving a job voluntarily, be brief and don't share anything negative. Instead, you can focus on how you can contribute to the new position.
Examples of short answers to questions like these:
- I want to take my career in a new direction (specify what the new direction is).
- My company was in the process of restructuring so I chose to look for new opportunities.
- I want to develop new skills but cannot implement them in the company first. So, I have changed things to focus on skill development.
4. What position do you want?
Avoid vague answers such as "I want an exciting job" or "I want to develop skills in this sector". Those answers indicate a lack of focus and motivation towards your career goals. Instead, talk about how your skills and experience can be an asset to the company.
For example, "I have good communication and product sales skills as evidenced in my previous job as a marketing officer at company X. I have a deep understanding of the industry and am able to contribute positively to your company's sales efforts."
5. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
This interview question is actually very complicated. However, this is the time for you to answer honestly. But don't be too honest in the negative direction and tell potential employers that you are a person who does not have organizational skills or is often late for meetings. Instead, answer clearly and concisely about the qualities that demonstrate that
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