Kerja Kosong International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
Permohonan adalah dipelawa kepada warganegara Malaysia bagi mengisi kekosongan jawatan di International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) seperti berikut:-1. Speech Therapist U41
2. Dental Nurse U29
3. Dental Technologist U29
4. Security Guard KP11
5. Dental Officer U41
6. Pharmacist U41
7. Engineer (Civil) J41
8. Assistant Engineer JA29
9. Medical Officer UD41
Dan permohonan online
We are the world’s premier Islamic University, located in the harmonious, multicultural, tropical country of Malaysia, one of the world’s most prosperous Muslim nations. Our institution brings together world-class lecturers, facilities, and programmes into a garden of knowledge, to bring Islamic enlightenment to all.
Tarikh Tutup Permohonan:- 30 April 2015